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How it all started

After having been in tech sales in my early twenties, due to unforeseen circumstances I was forced to restart my career in an entirely different vertical. On job boards, I found a company that was selling dispatch software to small ambulance companies. I thought that was interesting and when I started cold calling I realized that almost everyone answered the phone, which was a dream come true for someone that knew how to cold call effectively.

Although that first product was terrible, it gave me the idea to start a medical billing company. I did, knowing next to nothing about medical billing, but met people along the way that helped me turn it into a success. Shortly after, the President of a mid-sized EMS dispatch, ePCR, and billing software company recruited me as their Vice President in order to grow their sales team. I guess they figured if a young guy like me that knew nothing about medical billing could build a successful company, I could help them do the same with their business.

During that time, after having made tens of thousands of cold calls I learned a lot about the healthcare industry as a whole. Specifically, I learned a lot about what medical billers were proficient at, and what they struggled with. Having my own medical billing company, I was able to relate to a lot of the issues I discovered. And this is what led to the creation of Nsure.
To be honest, Nsure was first started as a way to make money, but over time I realized that there’s a lot more to life than just that. What I realize now is this is all about better patient care. Our tool helps providers collect so much more money, and save so much time that I believe it also has to impact the patient positively. I figure if providers are better funded, this leads to better pay, equipment, and resources for the healthcare workers on the front line who in turn provide better care to their patients. 
Our mission at Nsure is to positively impact the lives of millions of patients across the United States. I can confidently say we are well on our way and I’d love for you to join our mission and help us accomplish my dream together. 


Our average provider realizes a 12% increase in annual collections.


Stop searching for face sheets and sending statements requesting insurance.


Utilizing credit bureaus, instantly locate patient DOBs, SSNs, addresses and phone numbers.


Our average provider reduces their returned mail by 60%.


Receive automated alerts when the patients' deductible has been met to avoid unnecessary self-pay.


Automatically capture retroactive Medicaid plans patients sign up for after service.