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Higher deductibles, bigger patient co-pays and evolving Medicaid programs have created new sources of bad debt for healthcare providers. Financially clearing self-pay patients is more challenging and labor-intensive than ever before. Most important, earned revenue walks out the door every day when patients leave the office without paying and patient A/R is written off as bad debt.

Nsure’s Insurance Discovery service combines innovative technology with human intelligence to explore every coverage option and payor source for patients presenting as self-pay. Our customers report remarkable results:


Providers using insurance discovery identify active, billable insurance on an average of 37% more self-pay. Utilizing insurance discovery, collectively, our clients collect millions of dollars more, every year.

How It Works

Insurance Discovery software interrogates multiple data sources seeking coverage for your self-pay patients. Insurance verification experts at Nsure use the latest mapping logic for more than 2,000 payors, clearinghouse databases and direct connections infrastructure to find more active coverage, including commercial sources.

The Results

Nsure examines claims and clearinghouses at multiple levels to uncover every possible payor source. At one client location, Nsure identified insurance coverage for 16 percent of all patients and more than $800,000 in coverage for patients who originally presented as self-pay.